Thursday 7 February 2013

Students - what can we do to conserve energy ?

Non-stop movie or TV show marathons, all-night gaming, late night Maggi, midnight birthday parties, the random flirt walking around on the corridor in the middle of a long conversation, continuous pranking, teasing and joking – these are some of the many things that define hostel life. If you’re someone who lives in a hostel but doesn’t do all this, you’re missing a huge part of your hostel life. If you’re someone who doesn’t live in a hostel, you’re missing a huge part of your life. That’s how amazing it is to live in a hostel. But think of this – how much power do we waste every day ? The many things we do which is actually something we can do without – have we ever thought about the adverse affects it may have ? I don’t want to sound like a spoilsport – even I live in a hostel and do everything that most people do. But there are many things we can do which will turn out to be the “small drops” that form the “mighty ocean” of energy conservation.    

I don’t want to use bombastic words to make my point. Because these are very simple things we can do – simple things that can help us in the long run. On a small scale, there are several things we can do. Turning off the lights and the fans when we leave the room, turning off other appliances like heaters and battery chargers when they aren’t needed – these are some simple things that anyone can do. And these simple steps will go a long way in our ultimate goal of reducing energy consumption. We can extend these steps to bigger efforts like spreading awareness about the pressing issues that affect our planet and the inherent dangers if we don’t take steps to counter them.

The efforts that we take are something we can do anywhere we go. Turn off the lights and the fans when you leave your classroom. Turn off the television if no one’s watching. If you see a running tap anywhere, close it. Fix leaky taps. Check for the energy conservation rating of any appliance you buy. These are the some of the many steps you can take to help in the ultimate goal of conserving the planet’s fast-depleting reserve of energy.

“Small drops of water make a mighty ocean” – it is true. When you start making efforts to conserve  energy, you set an example to others and they will soon follow suit. If everyone makes such an effort to make the world a better place, it soon will be. And as the King Of Pop, Michael Jackson beautifully put it :

“Heal the world, make it a better place,
For you and me, and the entire human race..”

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